Osteochondrosis of the thoracic spine (TOP) is a degenerative dystrophic (destructive) change in the functioning and condition of intervertebral fibrocartilaginous formations (discs).
This disease, despite its high prevalence, is characterized by the difficulty of detection in the initial stage of development, since its symptoms are similar to gastrointestinal diseases (peptic ulcer, gastritis, gastrologic syndrome in colitis), angina pectoris and sometimes myocardial infarction.

Osteochondrosis of the thoracic spine is very difficult to diagnose.
Less often, this disease is "masked" as renal colic with cholecystitis or appendicitis. That is why you need to know the symptoms of osteochondrosis of the spine in order to correctly diagnose it and start treatment in time.
How does GOP of osteochondrosis develop?
In the human spine (more precisely, in the column) there are from 33 to 35 vertebrae, which are connected by elastic discs, consisting of connective tissue and nuclei.
So, with the development of the disease (this is about 12 vertebrae), the connective tissues around the intervertebral discs are deformed first of all, due to which their elasticity decreases.
As a result, the discs lose their natural strength and elasticity, which over time leads to one of two scenarios:
- rupture of discs, as a result of which intervertebral hernias appear;
- spinal deformity + damage to individual vertebrae in the spine.

The second scenario is a consequence of the growth of bone protrusions along the edges of the spine, their deformation and thinning.
There are 4 degrees of deformation in osteochondrosis of the thoracic spine:
- Reduced elasticity and height of the discs, protrusions may appear.
- Osteochondrosis of the second degree of the thoracic spine is characterized by a further decrease in the elasticity and height of the discs, instability of the GOP. As a result, the appearance of neurological symptoms or hernias.
- The formation of an intervertebral hernia.
- Discs lose shock absorbing properties. The vertebrae, coming closer, almost completely lose their mobility.
Causes of the disease
The main reason for the development of this disease is considered to be aging, because according to statistics, the symptoms of osteochondrosis of the chest region, as a rule, are found in people over 35 years old. What contributes to the deterioration of the metabolism, the "accumulation" of injuries and the general wear and tear of the spine.
In other words, the older the patient is, the higher the probability of detecting signs of thoracic osteochondrosis in him.
But in fairness, it should be noted that recently more and more patients aged 19-30 are turning to neurologists with chest pain, which is increasingly being diagnosed as symptoms of thoracic osteochondrosis. Doctors explain such dynamics with poor physical fitness, poor nutrition, curvature of the spine and flat feet. These violations are typical for people living in an urban environment with "office" jobs.

Common causes of the development of thoracic osteochondrosis:
- spinal cord injury;
- genetic predisposition;
- immobility;
- obesity and smoking (metabolic disorders);
- prolonged exposure to the spine of incorrect postures;
- excessive loads;
- incorrect, poor nutrition (lack of liquids and trace elements);
- overload of the spine due to various diseases or wearing uncomfortable shoes;
- stressful situations, nervous tension;
- violation of standing;
- diseases that lead to metabolic disorders.
Symptoms and signs of chondrosis of the chest
As already mentioned, sensations in thoracic osteochondrosis (symptoms) very often resemble other diseases, as they are less pronounced compared to other types of this disease.
That is why it is very important not to engage in self-diagnosis, but to consult a qualified doctor in case of prolonged, periodic or "causeless" pain in the thoracic spine.

Symptoms of GOP osteochondrosis:
- pain between the shoulder blades when you bend over or raise your arm(s);
- pain between ribs when walking;
- with thoracic osteochondrosis, it is difficult to breathe with increased pain during a deep breath or exhalation;
- feeling as if the back and chest were tightened by a circle.
Chest pain in thoracic osteochondrosis occurs:
- after or during a long stay in one position;
- slopes;
- Physical activity;
- curves;
- during the night.
Additional (special) symptoms of thoracic osteochondrosis, which can be disguised as other diseases, especially in women:
- tinnitus and tinnitus;
- frequent headaches;
- hoarseness and hoarseness;
- drop in blood pressure;
- numbness of limbs;
- burning sensation in the chest, similar in sensation to heart pain in a heart attack, angina pectoris or pathology of the mammary glands;
- in old age, frequent loss of consciousness;
- short periods of breathing;
- constant tension of the neck muscles;
- frequent hiccups.

It is worth noting that in women the symptoms of GOP osteochondrosis are more pronounced, as their vertebrae are smaller and the connective tissue is thinner.
It is important to clarify that, contrary to popular belief, with osteochondrosis of the thoracic spine, the body temperature does not rise precisely because of this disease. However, it can increase due to inflammatory processes caused by osteochondrosis of the GOP.
Characteristics of pain
With osteochondrosis, pain in the sternum is manifested as:
- Dorsalgia - mild, annoying, tiring pain in the area of damaged discs, which gradually increases and lasts up to 2-3 weeks;
- Dorsago is a strong, sharp, acute pain during an attack of thoracic osteochondrosis, which is also called "back pain in the chest".
Since osteochondrosis of the thoracic spine is less common than other types of this disease, and its symptoms are typical of other diseases, establishing the correct diagnosis sometimes takes a long time (trial and error). And only after excluding the most obvious options, doctors turn their attention to the symptoms of osteochondrosis.
Therefore, experts recommend contacting medical institutions specializing in problems with the musculoskeletal system in case of the appearance of characteristic pain sensations.

The diagnostic process itself takes place in 2 stages:
- Establishing the primary diagnosis: examining and questioning the patient. As a rule, this is done by a neurologist. Using a special technique, he examines the spine in various positions, resting and moving, paying attention to the structure of the body, posture and line of sharp processes. After identifying the signs of osteochondrosis of the GOP, a more detailed examination (finger) of the damaged area is performed to determine the location and extent of the disease.
- Further, after the initial diagnosis, the patient is sent for a basic and more complete examination of the thoracic spine: X-ray, CT and MRI.
How is GOP osteochondrosis treated?
Treatment is almost always carried out with conservative methods aimed at preventing the development of the disease, eliminating pain, restoring the functions of the spine.
If this does not work, then surgery must be done.
Conservative treatment includes:
- physiotherapy;
- special diet;
- therapeutic blockade;
- massage;
- drug therapy;
- manual technique;
- spinal traction;
- reflexology;
- physiotherapy exercises (LFK).
Methods for preventing the occurrence of GOP osteochondrosis are very simple:
- prevention of hypothermia of the spine;
- avoid excessive loads;
- frequent change of posture during "office", sedentary work and breaks every hour for 5-10 minutes;
- morning workout.